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How it all started 

Mitchell has been involved in the night club industry for the last twenty-three years in both Norwich and London. He has worked in the legendary Ministry of Sound, Pacha, Turnmills, Canvas (Bagleys), The Cross and The Egg to name just a few clubs.









In 2001 he was invited to a Sunday party at a club called 'Pop' between Soho square and Oxford st. This was a party like he had never experienced before. The tunes involved the dirtiest and funkiest bass lines with uplifting vocals and a bit of soul. The result….it made everyone want to dance.


The club was filled with everyone, meaning it was just a feeling of equality and togetherness. This was the House party scene in London with the old ravers from the 80s and 90s now mixing with the new from the 21st century. It didn’t matter if you were black, white, brown, gay, straight, bi. It didn’t matter if you were Chinese, Indian, English or Scottish or anything else. This was House music where everyone was welcome, and nothing mattered.


Since then the love and passion for this music has played a major part in Mitchell’s life and he would often let his classes at school listen to some of his friend’s mixes who DJ on the London House scene.


During lockdown Mitchell spoke to Braydn about the idea of starting a club night once a month in Norwich as he knew Braydn was into House music. They both thought it could work and got the idea rolling.


Mitchell was also in contact with Dwight, who has been involved in the London scene for many years. Mitchell floated the idea and Dwight was keen to get involved. Mitchell & Dwight both had ideas for branching out further and putting all their life experiences back into helping young people through mentoring and the use of music. You can check this out here.


As lockdown started to ease, in May 2021 Mitchell was suspended from his Teaching job, a job that he loved and was passionate about for the last sixteen years.


In September Mitch, Callum, Braydn and Taylor met to start discussing ideas and Nice2BNiceTM was born.



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